Course-Number |
Instructor |
Time |
Location |
First Session |
Supplement Int. Energy Mgmt |
Christoph Graf |
See below |
See below |
Oct 3, 2013 |
See Program in the table below.
- Find yourself a topic which belongs to the energy field
- Groups of two (Groups)
- Eight pages long, single line space, script size 12 pt
- Include economic literature (discuss at least two published papers, not only reports!)
- Obligatory Attendance + Participation + Term Paper count 20% of your final grade of the course Int. Energy Mgmt
You should hand in your term paper on Jan 12, 2014 (I recommend you to start asap and incorporate the information from the workshops). Please make sure that your term paper meets scientific standards.
- La Rovere, Pereira, Simoes (2011). Biofuels and Sustainable Energy Development in Brazil, World Development Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1026–1036.
- Sokona, Mulugetta, Gujba (2012). Widening energy access in Africa: Towards energy transition. Energy Policy, 47, pp. 3–10.
- Demirbas, Balat, Balat (2009). Potential contribution of biomass to the sustainable energy development. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, pp. 1746–1760
- Glemarec (2012). Financing off-grid sustainable energy access for the poor. Energy Policy, 47, pp. 87–93
- Jiang, Lin (2012). China’s energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process. Energy Policy, 49, pp. 608–615
- Poumanyvong, Kaneko (2010). Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO 2 emissions? A cross-country analysis. Ecological Economics, 70, pp. 434–444
- Chu, Majumdar (2012). Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future. Nature, 488, pp. 294–303
- Code of conduct for scientific practice.
- Information regarding the consequences of cheating, Studienpraeses
- Rechtliche Hinweise für Studierende: Die Herstellung von Kopien aller Art (ausgenommen für die persönliche Nutzung im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung), die Veröffentlichung von Lehrmaterialien und Inhalten jeglicher Art (z.B. durch Bereitstellen zum Download außerhalb dieser Webpage) sowie die Nutzung der Lehrmaterialien für kommerzielle Zwecke, ist untersagt. Auch eine Aufzeichnung im Hörsaal (z.B. Fotografieren von Unterlagen, Audio-/Videoaufnahmen des/der Vortragenden) und eine Veröffentlichung der Aufzeichnungen ohne Zustimmung des/der Vortragenden stellt eine Rechtsverletzung dar.
Oct 29, 2013; 9am--12pm |
General overview to the topic |
Bank Austria, "Oktogon," Schottengasse 6, 1010 Vienna |
Program |
Dec 18, 2013; 8:30am--5pm |
Input from international experts |
Vienna International Center, Wagramer Strasse 5, 1400 Vienna |
Program |
Dec 19, 2013; 9am--5pm |
Small student working groups |
Vienna International Center, Wagramer Strasse 5, 1400 Vienna |
Jan 12, 2014 |
Hand in your term paper |