![Christoph Graf](./img/cg.jpg)
Christoph Graf
Research Scholar
Institute for Policy Integrity
New York University School of Law
Research Affiliate
Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD)
Stanford University
I am a Research Scholar at the Institute for Policy Integrity, at New York University School of Law and a Research Affiliate in the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) at Stanford University. Before that, I had postdoc appointments at the Department of Economics (Stanford University) and the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (UC Berkeley). Prior to my postdoc appointments in the US, I worked as a teaching and research associate at the Research Institute for Regulatory Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business), research associate at the Florence School of Regulation Climate (European University Institute). During my PhD, I was a research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Industry, Energy, and Environment (University of Vienna). My PhD was complemented by a research visit at Imperial College London.
My research interests cover energy economics, energy systems, climate policy, and empirical industrial organization. In those areas, I published several articles in international peer-reviewed academic journals. A list of publications can be found on Google Scholar and under Publications on this site.