
Journal Articles

  1. Khanal, S., Graf, C., Liang, Z., Dvorkin, Y., and Ünel, B. (2024). Multi-Objective Transmission Expansion: An Offshore Wind Power Integration Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation.
    doi | bibtex | arXiv link | github link
  2. Graf, C., Kuppelwieser, T., and Wozabal, D. (2024). Frequent Auctions for Intraday Electricity Markets. The Energy Journal, Volume 45(1): 231–256.
    doi | bibtex | open access link
  3. Graf, C., Zobernig, V., Schmidt, J., and Klöckl, C. (2024). Computational Performance of Deep Reinforcement Learning to find Nash Equilibria. Computational Economics, Volume 63: 529–576.
    doi | bibtex | arXiv link | github link
  4. Graf, C., Rosselló-Nadal, J., Andreu Sansó-Rosselló, A. (2023). Is Daylight Saving Time worth it in tourist regions? Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 45: 101068.
    doi | bibtex
  5. Graf, C., Quaglia, F., and Wolak, F. A. (2021). (Machine) learning from the COVID-19 lockdown about electricity market performance with a large share of renewables. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 105: 102398.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  6. Verde, S. F., Graf, C., and Jong, T. (2019). Installation entries and exits in the EU ETS: Patterns and the delay effect of closure provisions. Energy Economics, Volume 78: 508–524.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  7. Graf, C. and Marcantonini, C. (2017). Renewable energy and its impact on thermal generation. Energy Economics, Volume 66: 421–430.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  8. Wozabal, D., Graf, C., and Hirschmann, D. (2016). The effect of intermittent renewables on the electricity price variance. OR Spectrum, Volume 38(3): 687–709.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  9. Graf, C. and Wirl, F. (2014). Corporate social responsibility: a strategic and profitable response to entry? Journal of Business Economics, Volume 84(7): 917–927.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  10. Graf, C. and Six, M. (2014). The effect of information on the quality of decisions. Central European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 22(4): 647–662.
    doi | bibtex
  11. Graf, C. and Wozabal, D. (2013). Measuring competitiveness of the EPEX spot market for electricity. Energy Policy, Volume 62: 948–958.
    doi | open access link | bibtex
  12. Graf, C., Vetschera, R., and Zhang, Y. (2013). Parameters of social preference functions: measurement and external validity. Theory and Decision, Volume 74(3): 357–382.
    doi | bibtex

Working Papers

  1. Graf, C. and Wolak, F. A. (2020). Measuring the Ability to Exercise Unilateral Market Power in Locational-Pricing Markets: An Application to the Italian Electricity Market. Conditionally accepted at RAND
    open access link
  2. Graf, C., Quaglia, F., La Pera, E., and Wolak, F. A. (2021). Market Power Mitigation Mechanisms for Wholesale Electricity Markets: Status Quo and Challenges.
    open access link
  3. Graf, C., Quaglia, F., and Wolak, F. A. (2020). Simplified Electricity Market Models with Significant Intermittent Renewable Capacity: Evidence from Italy.
    NBER | open access link
  4. Graf, C., Quaglia, F., and Wolak, F. A. (2020). Market Performance Assessment in Locational Markets with Non-Convexities.
    open access link
  5. Graf, C., Huppmann, D., and Ortner, A. (2013). Efficient reserve capacity prices in electricity balancing markets with long-term contracts.

Other Publications

  1. Wozabal, D., Graf, C., and Hirschmann, D. (2013). Renewable Energy and its Impact on Power Markets. In: Handbook of Risk Management for Energy Production and Trading (Kovacevic, Pflug, and Vespucci; Eds.), International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 199, Springer. 283–311.
    doi | bibtex
  2. Ortner, A. and Graf, C. (2013). Multi-market unit-commitment and capacity reserve prices in systems with a large share of hydro power: A case study. in 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM). IEEE, pp. 1–8.
    doi | bibtex

Selected Talks and Presentations

Referee Services

  • Applied Energy, Economics Letters, Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Energy Policy, European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Journal of the European Economic Association, OR Spectrum, RAND Journal of Economics, Science, Utilities Policy

Community Services

  • 2017–2018: Head of the Austrian Scientists in North America (ASciNA) Bay-Area Chapter (link).
  • 2014–2015: Head of the Vienna Energy Group (VEG) which I founded in 2014. Purpose of the group is to connect Viennese Energy Economists/Scientists (link).